Building Projects

Below is a short selection of larger-scale projects. Many are iconic buildings, and with numerous great clients.


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United Nations HQ Renovation

Executive Project Director, (2010-2011) overseeing project design activity across multiple disciplines and consultants on $100M+ renovation of modern icon. Decade-long project of a major historic renovation of several buildings, restoring  building to original intent while upgrading systems. 


Residence Hall, Princeton University

Overall Project Manager for $100M+ 400-bed project for Princeton University. Designed in the Collegiate Gothic style, featuring traditional stone walls, massive slate roofs, and copper and wood detailing.  Residential, social and academic buildings, series of terraced courtyards and a large gabled dining hall.

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ZEN (Zero-Energy Nanotechnology) Building

Senior technical architect for zero energy-capable, 360,000 GSF mixed-use building. ETFE roof system, atrium lightwell harvests daylight to offset 70% of building’s electrical consumption without adversely impacting building load.

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North Quad Residence, U. Michigan

Senior technical architect for new 12-story residence hall combining learning as well as social activity. Complex technical coordination and code leader - stairs that Escher would be proud of. The complex includes spaces shared by building residents and their neighboring faculty/ programs.

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Levin U.S. Courthouse, Detroit, MI

GSA’s advanced BIM requirements for modernization of a landmark building were extensive and state-of the art, required highly-structured approach to spatial data, tenant data, and component data; numerous design-to-operations handover requirements.