Professional Experience

Dynamic personality, building cross-discipline teams for project delivery and technology firmwide, with a sharp focus on innovation, collaboration, and optimization of delivery.

The pursuit of excellence. And better information, continuously optimizing project delivery and management by leveraging technology; focus on flow of project information in design and beyond; skilled at building teams, training and excitement.


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NY Office Director: Oct 2018 - PRESENT

SMRT Inc., Albany NY


New York region leader for multidisciplinary firm committed to providing design environments that create a positive user experience. SMRT innovates on behalf of our clients to advance their success, providing multidisciplinary expertise for complex buildings that require a high level of design.

This role also leverages the inherent excitement of advanced delivery to inspire teamwork, resourcefulness, and inventiveness, for high-performing teams.

VP of Delivery & Innovation: Jan 2018 – Aug 2018

EYP Inc., Albany, NY


VP for advanced delivery, leveraging technology and new digital tools; innovation aimed at improvements in delivery for clients. This role explores impact of new tools for computational design, data management tools like Power BI; also advanced delivery methods like IPD and Lean.

VP of Operations: 2013 – 2017

EYP Inc., Albany, NY


Senior executive overseeing operations and delivery for 500+ person firm in all locations overseeing all architects and engineers. Spearheaded re-structuring of entire system for tracking project workplans, from an Excel-based model to an ERP-based system using Deltek that integrated all plans. Subsequently used business intelligence (BI) tools to further aggregate, analyze and share workplan data for firm-wide staffing and revenue projections. Revenue, staffing load and project wins now viewed on any device, anywhere. Also oversaw successful transition of operations to Sectors at firm, and growth of firm through M&A.

Director of Architecture: 2010-2012

EYP Inc., Albany, NY


Senior leadership role overseeing all technical architects (100+) at EYP, further driving a culture of advanced delivery, quality, and the implementation of BIM, and integrating it with the technical mission of the firm. Providing vision for areas where the firm can strategically develop to better serve and anticipate future client needs. Devised new tools for code and regulatory compliance that leveraged power of BIM. Also, spearheaded the development and growth of architecture staff.

Technical Director - BIM: 2005-2009

EYP Inc., Albany, NY


Senior technical role operating firm-wide, creating standards and guiding technical execution of projects with particular emphasis on BIM, project quality, as well as code & life safety. Reviewed and worked on teams in a technical oversight capacity. Spearheaded Revit BIM implementation in all disciplines (Arch. & Eng.) to full adoption (by 2008). During this period I published several articles online related to BIM vision and potential.

Project Manager: 2004-2005

Sage Associates, Albany, NY 


Project manager/ architect at medium-sized engineering firm. Project Lead for multiple engineering-driven projects, overseeing code analysis, completely full design and specifications, on both new-build and existing buildings.

Project Manager: 1998-2004

EYP Inc., Albany, New York Area


Project manager for numerous K-12 and higher education and government projects ranging from $5M to $100M+. Projects included new building, building additions, and gut renovations. Prepared and stamped documents, and managed projects.

Project Architect; 1997-1998

Synthesis Architects, Schenectady, NY


Project architect for numerous state, commercial and civic design/construction projects.

Assistant Professor; 1988-1997

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY


A decade of full-time teaching and research. Hired specifically to teach both Design and Technology courses, thus reinforcing the link between design and the means of making. Developed and led technology curriculum; taught classes in design, integrating building systems, environmental systems, design and code studios, as well as computer driven 3D design.



M. Arch.1986 – 1988

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (link)

Graduate degree. Master's thesis on Impact of Urban Design on the Building Micro-Climate.

Post-Graduate Scholarship: 1986 (Jan-Aug.)

Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland (Link)

Post-Grad Scholarship from Finnish Govt to study Timber Construction technology.

Dip. Arch, B. Sc. Arch: 1978 – 1984

Dublin Institute of Technology, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (LINK)

Professional 5-year degree in Architecture with heavy emphasis on linkage between design and building technologies.